DataFlow Voices: Meet Mira Al Farra – Partner Success Manager

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We’re back with another feature of DataFlow Voices, delving into one-on-one interviews with our team members from around the globe. We have the pleasure of talking to Mira Al Farra, Partner Success Manager at DataFlow’s Dubai HQ. With a focus on DataFlow partner and client relations in the UAE, Oman, and Qatar, Mira provides invaluable support and nurtures client relationships.

Curious about Mira’s journey to DataFlow and what keeps her passionate about her career? Keep reading to find out.

Kindly share a glimpse into your world: Who is Mira Al Farra, and what is your role at DataFlow?

Hi, I’m a Lebanese woman in Dubai. I’ve been with DataFlow for over two years, managing VIP clients in UAE, Qatar, and Oman. Despite my degree in architecture seven years ago, I shifted to client relations to embrace my people skills.

We’re intrigued to know, what drove your decision to join DataFlow?

I chose to work at DataFlow because I’m a mom of two, and I’m always concerned about my kids’ health. I wanted to ensure that those in charge of healthcare and education in the UAE are trustworthy. Joining DataFlow and working in client relations allowed me to be an integral part of providing that assurance.

Reflecting on your journey, can you share a standout achievement at DataFlow that brings a sense of pride?

By maintaining a strong bond with my clients, I believe I’ve broken the stereotype that only men can foster high-profile clients. As an empowered woman, I’ve traveled the world, breaking that image.

Who inspires you in your career?

Yes, I have someone in mind. In my first few months at DataFlow, I was tempted to ask this person, “Are you for real?” She showed immense empathy and support, and she knows who she is. Shoutout to our Director, Vera Gondard. Also, my team members motivate me a lot.

What’s your secret recipe for starting each day on a positive note?

Most people would say with coffee, but I’m not a coffee person. I start my day by kissing my husband and kids. After completing my morning tasks, I remind myself that it’s done to get a positive feeling. When time allows, I go for a short walk or attend a pilates class.

Beyond your professional endeavors, how do you unwind and make the most of your valuable downtime?

Lately, it’s pilates. It varies, depending on the stage of life. I enjoy my me-time, like working out or spending time with family at the beach.

Do you have any insightful tips to maintain a good work-life balance?

It’s the most challenging part, especially with a 20-month-old. Mom’s guilt is real. When I feel guilty, I know things are going well. Feeling all is under control means something is usually wrong. I live with the guilt, and it keeps me on track.

Tell us something about you that people wouldn’t guess?

I eat a lot. It doesn’t show, but I’m really passionate about food.

Watch Our Interview With Mira Al Farra

Learn About Our Global Team Members in the DataFlow Voices Series

About The Author

  • Dannielle Jeffers

    Dannielle is a Senior Content Marketing Executive based in the UAE. She is passionate about helping organizations make trusted hiring decisions while minimizing risk and supporting applicants’ career development. Dannielle explores topics such as Primary Source Verification (PSV), background screening, recruitment advice, licensing, and exams through her writing. On top of that, she also interviews DataFlow applicants to provide an insightful look into their experiences.

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