DataFlow Voices: Meet Anshul Kwatra – Global Onboarding Director in India

Home » Blog » DataFlow Voices: Meet Anshul Kwatra – Global Onboarding Director in India

Published Date: 06 February, 2023

Last updated on: 24 April, 2023

Welcome to our blog series, DataFlow Voices! In this series, we feature one-on-one interviews with our team members from around the globe. Get to know our team, learn about their experiences and find out what it’s like working at DataFlow.

Meet Anshul Kwatra, Global Onboarding Director for our office in India. Anshul’s key responsibilities include liaising with applicants  and clients and helping them find potential solutions through our DataFlow’s offerings.

Find out what achievements Anshul is particularly proud of at DataFlow, how he balances his professional and personal life and how his mantra helps him take actionable steps every single day! 

Tell us about yourself and your role at the DataFlow Group

I work as the Global Onboarding Director in the India office of the DataFlow Group. I’ve been a part of the DataFlow family for more than 8 years now, helping thousands of individuals pursue their career goals on a daily basis. 

As a person, I would describe myself as a proactive problem-solver with a curious and analytical mind. I enjoy delving into the details and planning ahead to find the best solution. When I’m not working, I prioritize spending time with my family

What drew you to a career at the DataFlow Group? How did you first get into sales and marketing? 

As a part of DataFlow, I have been able to work with regulators from around the world to help manage risks in their licensing processes. I was drawn to this opportunity because it allows me to learn about regulations across various geographies and professions, and then use that knowledge to assist regulators in implementing effective measures to mitigate the risk of misrepresented documents.

What is something you’re particularly proud of that you’ve achieved at DataFlow Group?

As a member of the DataFlow team, I have had the opportunity to participate in numerous conversations with prospects and clients, where I have assisted them in identifying potential solutions through our company’s offerings. I’m proud of the fact that I am a part of a team that helps individuals pursue their career goals and helps communities become a safer place.

What’s it like working in a multicultural organization like DataFlow? 

Working with a diverse team has been an enriching experience, as it has allowed me to learn about different cultures, perspectives, and innovative approaches to problem-solving. Our mutual respect for one another has contributed to the success of our team.

How do you like to begin your day?

To start my day off right, I begin by creating a quick plan for the upcoming day. I also make sure to get some exercise to get my blood flowing and fuel up with a hearty breakfast. These simple habits help me feel energized and prepared for the day ahead.

What’s your personal mantra, and where did it originate from? 

I believe that consistent, small steps lead to greater results than a single, big step or no action at all. Let’s do it!

What do you value most about the DataFlow Group’s impact on our customers, clients, and mission?

At DataFlow, we partner with governments, regulators, and other organizations responsible for managing professions. Our goal is to safeguard the well-being of our communities by helping our partners select and license highly qualified professionals and prevent fraudulent and incompetent individuals from causing harm or loss to organizations or the people they work with.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Curious, problem solver and positive 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy spending time with my family, engaging in casual conversations about a variety of topics, and indulging in a cup of coffee together.

How do you achieve a good work-life balance?

Maintaining focus is crucial for achieving balance in life. I make an effort to leave work issues at the office and fully embrace each moment outside of work. This helps me stay present and enjoy my personal time.

Stay tuned to our DataFlow Voices blog series to hear more from DataFlow colleagues like Anshul Kwatra about their career journeys, what it’s really like working at the DataFlow Group, and what they value most about their impact on our organization, customers, clients and mission.

Read about our other team members in the DataFlow Voices series:

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