Why DataFlow is the best choice for your professional document verification?

Home » Blog » Why DataFlow is the best choice for your professional document verification?

Published Date: 01 June, 2022

Last updated on: 28 April, 2023

The global organizations, government bodies and ministries receive applications from professionals outside their country for practice licenses or new work opportunities that allow professionals to legally work in the country they are migrating to or intending to work. Mote often organisations find it challenging to verify the authenticity of the credentials of these professionals and prefer outsourcing the process to an experienced verification service provider that caters to their needs.

DataFlow, as a leading global provider of specialised Primary Source Verification (PSV) solutions for years, has built its mark in this space of verification of credentials, offering assistance to global firms and organisations building a solid foundation to avoid bad hires or work permits to frauds. It has helped expose fraudulent education degrees, employment certificates, practice licenses, work permits, and passports and served various industries such as healthcare, community development, education, science & technology, finance, accountancy, banking, social services, and education, etc. 

1. Empowers the recruiting process

Companies often face the risk of hiring or licensing applicants/candidates with fraudulent approaches. Hence, the documents disclosed in the applications need to be verified through a robust channel.

DataFlow with its cutting-edge technology and advanced screening process verifies the authenticity of the documents and streamlines the recruiting process, resulting in sound and informed decisions by the organizations, ensuring the hires are authentic, competent, and capable.

2. Global network of Issuing Authorities

With a vast network of more than 100,000 issuing authorities across the globe, DataFlow liaises with the issuing source which includes facilities, authorities, universities etc. This allows them to obtain first-hand information on the documents and work experiences, resulting in a sound verification.

3. Mitigates risk

DataFlow Group offers a platform enabling organisations from any industry to screen candidates. Customising to the organisation’s needs and compliance policies, DataFlow creates frameworks and processes that protect the documents submitted by the applicants and are in line with the guidelines of the authorities and organisations.

4. Easy application process

DataFlow’s online portal offers the ideal application process with proper steps. It is easy, simple and intuitive. Once the application is submitted, he/she can track its progress using the case number. Click here to learn more.

To ensure healthcare professionals migrating from different corners of the world and offering services are genuine, an organisation relies on stringent and comprehensive screening and verification services. Learn more by contacting us at sales@dataflowgroup.com.

About The Author

  • DataFlow Group

    The DataFlow Group is a global provider of Primary Source Verification (PSV) and background screening solutions. Our mission is to help organizations identify fraudulent credentials in potential hires and mitigate risks. We also are dedicated to supporting applicants through the PSV process. By leveraging innovative technology along with our expansive network of more than 100,000 issuing authorities around the world, the DataFlow Group ensures every document submitted is verified for accuracy according to global industry best practices and Joint Commission International (JCI) guidelines.

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